*Miscellaneous:= *Admin.Zenpage:= *Object.Miscellaneous:= *Upload:= *Miscellaneous.Miscellaneous:= *Object.Root_class:= *Object.Search:= *Admin.Comment:= *Admin.Miscellaneous:= *Comment:= *Admin.Media:= *Object.Media:= image_filter:=Allow a plugin to remove files from the list of images found in an album so that they are not treated as images. upload_helper_js:=Allows a filter to insert JavaScript into the upload tab. search_criteria:=Allows a filter to modify a search. admin_alterrights:=Allows a plugin to control what user properties users are allowed to change. upload_root_ui:=Allows a plugin to determine if a user may create root level albums. edit_article_custom_data:=Allows a plugin to manage custom data for News articles. This invocation is for when the news article is presented for editing. edit_category_custom_data:=Allows a plugin to manage custom data for Zenpage categories. This invocation is for when the category is presented for editing. save_category_custom_data:=Allows a plugin to manage custom data for Zenpage categories. This invocation is for when the category is saved. edit_page_custom_data:=Allows a plugin to manage custom data for Zenpage pages. This invocation is for when the page object is presented for editing. save_admin_custom_data:=Allows a plugin to manage custom data for Zenphoto users. This invocation is for when the user object is saved. save_album_custom_data:=Allows a plugin to manage custom data for albums. This invocation is for when the album object is saved. edit_comment_custom_data:=Allows a plugin to manage custom data for comments. This invocation is for when the comment is presented for editing. save_comment_custom_data:=Allows a plugin to manage custom data for comments. This invocation is for when the comment is saved. edit_image_custom_data:=Allows a plugin to manage custom data for images. This invocation is for when the comment is presented for editing. edit_album_custom_data:=Allows a plugin to manage custom data for images. This invocation is for when the image is presented for editing. save_article_custom_data:=Allows a plugin to manage custom data for news articles. This invocation is for when the article is saved. edit_admin_custom_data:=Allows a plugin to manage custom data for users. This invocation is for when the user object is presented for editing. save_page_custom_data:=Allows a plugin to manage image data for Zenpage page. This invocation is for when the page is saved. save_image_custom_data:=Allows a plugin to manage image data for comments. This invocation is for when the comment is saved. image_metadata:=Allows a plugin to modify image metadata when a new image is detected or when its metadata is refreshed. standard_album_thumb_html:=Allows a plugin to modify the HTML used to reference an album thumb. standard_image_thumb_html:=Allows a plugin to modify the HTML used to reference an image thumb. standard_image_html:=Allows a plugin to modify the HTML used to reference an image. upload_filetypes:=Allows a plugin to modify the file types allowed for an upload. authorization_cookie:=Allows a plugin to override cookie based authorization credentials. setupTheme:=Allows a plugin to override the theme that Zenphoto will use to display WEB pages. get_upload_limit:=Allows a plugin to override the size limits on image uplaods edit_album_utilities:=Allows a plugin to place items in the utilities area for albums. This invocation is for when the album is presented for editing. edit_image_utilities:=Allows a plugin to place items in the utilities area for images. This invocation is for when the image is presented for editing. save_image_utilities_data:=Allows a plugin to place items in the utilities area for images. This invocation is for when the image is saved. publish_category_utilities:=Allows a plugin to process saves of items in the Zenpage category Utilities area. publish_page_utilities:=Allows a plugin to process saves of items in the Zenpage page Utilities area. save_album_utilities_data:=Allows a plugin to process saves of items in the album Utilities area. publish_article_utilities:=Allows a plugin to process saves of items in the news article Utilities area. seoFriendly_js:=Allows a plugin to provide a JavaScript function to names that might contain diacritical marks into text that does not. comment_form_data:=Allows a plugin to provide data for the comment form. search_statistics:=Allows a plugin to record statistics about searches. alt_login_handler:=Allows filters to provide links to alternate logon handlers. This list is presented as a selection list on the logon form as alternates to the Zenphoto provided process. admin_allow_access:=Allows mitigation of the normal Zenphoto back-end security checks. admin_tabs:=Allows plugins to add Tabs to the administrative pages. admin_utilities_buttons:=Allows plugins to add buttons to the admin utilities box on the overview page. general_zenpage_utilities:=Allows plugins to add items to the General area of the Zenpage edit pages. admin_overview:=Allows plugins to add items to the Overview page on the back-end. options_comments:=Allows plugins to add options to the comment option tab. register_user_form:=Allows plugins to add to the register user form. custom_album_thumb_html:=Allows plugins to alter the HTML for an album thumbnail reference. custom_image_html:=Allows plugins to alter the HTML for an image reference. admin_general_data:=Allows plugins to insert items onto the <general%gt; tab. save_admin_general_data:=Allows plugins to insert items onto the <general%gt; tab. This is the "save" interface. admin_toolbox_page:=Allows plugins to insert links into the Zenpage page part of the "admin toolbox". admin_toolbox_album:=Allows plugins to insert links into the album part of the "admin toolbox". admin_toolbox_gallery:=Allows plugins to insert links into the gallery part of the "admin toolbox". admin_toolbox_global:=Allows plugins to insert links into the general part of the "admin toolbox". admin_toolbox_image:=Allows plugins to insert links into the image part of the "admin toolbox". admin_toolbox_news:=Allows plugins to insert links into the news part of the "admin toolbox". admin_toolbox_search:=Allows plugins to insert links into the search part of the "admin toolbox". admin_upload_process:=Allows plugins to modify the folder where an upload will place images. get_upload_header_text:=Allows plugins to modify the header and/or error text for the upload tab. admin_head:=Allows plugins to place HTML into the <head> region of admin pages. admin_headers:=Allows plugins to place HTML into the header region of admin pages. album_filter:=Allows plugins to remove some folders from the list of album folders that Zenphoto discovers. check_credentials:=Called when an object is requested to verify that the logged on user is allowed to perform the action on the item. theme_body_close:=Invoked by all themes just before the </body> HTML tag. theme_body_open:=Invoked by all themes just before the <body> HTML tag. theme_head:=Invoked by all themes just before the <head> HTML tag. load_request:=Invoked by the front-end when a page is being loaded. The filter may cause the page load to be aborted. album_refresh:=Invoked during garbage collection when album object properties are updated. seoFriendly:=Invoked to transform names that might contain diacritical marks into text that does not. log_setup:=Invoked when setup creates the setup log. sendmail:=Invoked when Zenphoto attempts to send an e-mail. The plugin is presumed to handle the mailing. admin_XSRF_access:=Invoked when Zenphoto detects an attempt at Cross Site Reference Forgery. update_category:=Invoked when a Zenpage category is updated. update_page:=Invoked when a Zenpage page is updated. comment_post:=Invoked when a comment has been posted. new_category:=Invoked when a new Zenpage category is created. new_page:=Invoked when a new Zenpage page is created. new_album:=Invoked when a new album is discovered. new_image:=Invoked when a new image is discovered. new_article:=Invoked when a new news article is created. register_user_verified:=Invoked when a new user is verified. register_user_registered:=Invoked when a new user registers. update_article:=Invoked when a news article is updated. federated_login_attempt:=Invoked when a user logs on via the Federated_Logon plugin. (As opposed to logging on through the Zenphoto authentication mechanism>) save_user:=Invoked when a user object is saved. guest_login_attempt:=Invoked when a visitor logs on with a guest password. comment_disapprove:=Invoked when an administrator marks a comment as SPAM. comment_approve:=Invoked when an administrator marks a comment. album_instantiate:=Invoked when an album is instantiated. album_rename_move:=Invoked when an album is renamed/moved. image_instantiate:=Invoked when an image object in instantiated. image_refresh:=Invoked when an image object is refreshed during a garbage collect. copy_object:=Invoked when an object"s copy method is called. move_object:=Invoked when an object"s move method is called. remove_object:=Invoked when an object"s remove method is called. save_object:=Invoked when an object"s save method is invoked. isMyItemToView:=Invoked when checking if an object may be viewed by a user. check_upload_quota:=Invoked when images are being uploaded. The filter ay return an error indication. If so, the upload is aborted. checkForGuest:=Invoked when loading a front-end page. Allows plugins to determine if a visitor has logged on with the correct credentials for accessing the object. custom_option_save:=Invoked when options are saved to allow processing of the POST of plugin custom options. front-end_edit:=Invoked when the ajax front end editor processes an edit. edit_error:=Provides an interface for plugins to report errors when processing image or album saves. texteditor_config:=Provides configuration information to the Text Editor plugin (normally TinyMCE). admin_login_attempt:=Reports Zenphoto logon attempts. admin_log_actions:=Reports when a log has been deleted, cleared, or downloaded. *Admin:=These filters allow for the extension of the Zenphoto administrator interface. *User_management:=These filters allow the extension of the Zenphoto user object and authentication. *Template:=These filters modify behavior of the functions that support Zenphoto themes. *Object:=These filters provide modifications to the behavior of object methods. *Theme:=These filters should be called from all themes. They provide a way for the Zenphoto core and for plugins to add HTML content to the theme. admin_managed_albums_access:=This filter allows a plugin to intervene when a request to edit an album is being denied for insufficient permissions. show_change:=This filter is invoded whenever the state of the show property changes. admin_note:=This filter is invoked at the head of each admin page to allow a filter to place a note there.